Site Updates
Here I will list all the changes that I make to my website...that's if I manage to update it at all!!
I started making this page on the 29/5/01
Added links page to the website on the 30/5/01
Counter & Message Board added on the 31/5/01
Revised "My Hunting Gear" Page Shape on the 7/6/01
Added New Pictures To "My Hunting Gear" on the 7/6/01
Added UK Quarry Page on the 8/6/01
Added Pictures To "Readers Pictures" on the 6/7/01
Added Superten Mods Page on the 6/7/01
The Shooting I Do...
The main form of shooting I take part in is hunting. The main quarry I hunt is magpies, woodpigeons, crows and rabbits (also rats if I have to!)
Where most my hunting takes place is in a near by Paintball forest that is only used on weekends. I also shoot on farms when I get the chance.
Please Help Me Build This Site...
OK lads and lasses I need your help. If you too are an airgunner I want pictures of you and your gun(s) to put on my "Readers Pictures" page. If you have anything you want me to put up on the page, just send me the picture to my E-Mail address, along with a brief description of you and your gun.
Spue's Airgun Message Board
Have a visit to my message board, and leave a message or two |

Catch Me If You Can
To contact me for any reason just click on the link below.
E-Mail Me |